The Invitation of Brussels Regarding the Project

Brüssel auf einen Blick

We have innovatively carried forward the meetings on serious subjects with the authorized people from many offices, museums, foundations and institutions within the scope of "Culture and Intimacy Journey Along the Roman Road" project proposal in the recent months.

We were very pleased to hear that we were invited to introduce our project within the framework of an EU program named "Let's Promote Tolerance – Strengthen the Capabilities" on 07.03.2012 organized by Helga Trüpel, Vice President of EU Culture and Education Commission.

"We aim to strengthen and encourage our citizens - especially the young - for their lifelong learning, linguistic and cultural skills, mobility and boldness."

European Commission believing that general and professional education and creativity is a basic need for the benefit of the next generations made a proposal for two different programs on 23rd of November: "Erasmus for All" and "Creative Europe" programs. These two programs are introduced by special commissioner Mrs. Vassiliou: Regarding the subject, to overcome the new difficulties Europe is facing, not only compression in general, professional education, and in the fields of youth and culture but also regulation of the priorities and events focusing on the aims is proposed.

"My wish to increase investment in education, youth, creativity and innovation stems from my conviction that these are growth areas where Europe can achieve significant added value. The Erasmus for All and Creative Europe proposals are the right tools to help us respond to the challenges we face and I am confident that they will deliver the results we all want to see," said Mrs. Vassiliou.

Our invitation to Brussels and our meeting with Helga Trüpel have made us very pleased because she takes a critical attitude against the new system constituted by Mrs. Vassiliou to combine the programs that have been carried out separately up to now:

"I have got a critical attitude against Mrs. Vassiliou's spoiling the nature of the programs ever and taking the Effective Youth Programs and Education programs equal. General and professional education, youth and sports fields are thought to be collected under the same roof of "Erasmus for All" program."  (Read the rest….)

Certainly we are expecting to get new information and ideas about our program "Culture and Intimacy Journey along the Roman Road" because we believe the ideas and the notions of our project is the same as the main aims of Culture and Education Commission.

We will inform our readers about how the meetings have passed for sure. Besides, we are planning to use this opportunity to write a short article about how to spend your free time enriched with the pictures of an EU city, Brussels. Franz Cumont from Belgium could uncover some of the parts of Farnakes / Apameya in Orontos first between the years 1930 and 1938, then 1947 and 1953 by digging works. The digging work in Apameya restarted in 1965 with the control of Jean Charles Balty. Some pieces including many mosaics are exhibited in "Musées Ryaux d'Art et d'Histoire"

Who knows, may be we can convince you contribute our project by sharing your ideas and proposals? Many proposals and developments regarding our project have been sent to us since the day it was first announced. We are very glad to take your support with your activities and contributions.


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