Elder Spritzer and Hollerküchle - specialties from Steigerwald
- Written by Portal Editor
We were on the way back from our excursion through the Steigerwald between Ebrach and Burgebrach when the hunger sentiment seduced us into the restaurant of a small village.
Thanks to our experienced driver Brita and her friend Gerda the targeted approach was not a problem and we were pleasantly surprised by her choice of restaurants. Regional dishes were, according to the map, to choose from and the waitress announced the homemade elderberry spritzer, which we promptly ordered due to the summer temperatures and lovely taste at same time
Homemade elderberry spritzer and other goodies: Hollerküchle
Despite our demand they did not want to give away all the contents of the really refreshing delicious elderberry spritzer, only that much, that's just elderflower and absolutely no additional sugar. A delicious, invigorating fresh drink, which also immediately provided for further conversation. Brita asked us, namely, if we could do something with the term "Hollerküchle"? Of course that was not the case. That should then change the next morning for breakfast.
After a delicious meal with wild garlic soup and roast pork with dumplings we went on a dirt road on "hollerbusch research". As everywhere growing like "weeds" we did not have to go far to find the elderberry. Quickly some umbels were found and harvested.
Treat colds with hot elderberry juice
From my youth, I remembered dark elderberry and elderberry syrup, which was prepared diluted in hot water for colds. So I also remembered the different forms of the elderberry bush, which can sometimes grow almost tree-like up to 15 meters. In Northern Germany, also referred to as lilacs, three species of this bush belonging to the group of the musk plants (Adoxaceae) are known in Europe. Worldwide there are more than ten species of these shrubs, which mainly grow in temperate to subtropical climate and occur even at higher altitudes. Black and red elder are the most common forms, but their berries can also be black, blue or red and usually contain three to five seeds.
Elderflower umbels as raw material of the "Hollerküchle"
With our prey of elderflower umbels we went back to Albertshofen, where we could taste our "Hollerküchle" freshly baked the next morning. Brita had prepared a pancake batter into which the slightly cleaned elderflower umbels were dipped and then baked in heated oil. After frying briefly, drain over a kitchen towel and enjoy as warm as possible, which we did extensively.
Ingredients for 4 portions of "Hollerküchle"
20 grams of elderflower umbels, not washed, stems slightly shortened
2 medium sized eggs
200 ml of milk
3 tbsp rum or 1/2 vial of rum flavor
5 tablespoons flour, heaped tablespoons
¼ pck of baking powder
1 pinch of salt
Oil for frying
The flowers are best collected on a little-traveled road. Check for animals, do not wash.
Put the ingredients for the dough in a mixing bowl and mix with the mixer. Heat the oil in a saucepan about 2 cm high. Dip the flowers in the batter and bake in the hot oil.
Drain on kitchen paper and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
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Elderberry and Holunderküchle Elderberry and Holunderküchle
Elderberry and Holunderküchle Elderberry and Holunderküchle
Elderberry and Holunderküchle Elderberry and Holunderküchle
Elderberry and Holunderküchle Elderberry and Holunderküchle
Elderberry and Holunderküchle Elderberry and Holunderküchle
Elderberry and Holunderküchle Elderberry and Holunderküchle