Culinary - Try the dishes of this world!


Here you will find top-class culinary delicacies from many regions that are exclusively for enjoyment (in the picture: warm apple strudel with beer ice cream, cherries and almonds).
As synonyms for culinary, we think of relishing, pleasure-loving, relishing, gourmet, indulgent, sensual, full of comfort and full of enjoyment; (elevated) lustful, sensual, sensual; simply delicious - enjoy it!

Easter time – egg time - chicken and quail eggs!

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  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 823
Easter time – egg time - chicken and quail eggs!

We arrived in the south of Germany in time for Easter, where on Good Friday we had already informed ourselves extensively about the custom in Franconia of decorating the village wells with pine greens and blown out and then hand-painted eggs.

Muskateller – a pleasure as a grape

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  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 953
Muskateller – a pleasure as a grape

You probably don't necessarily have to be a wine drinker to enjoy wine as a grape. Whatever the reason, there are things that are not so easy or even impossible to explain.

Dutch cuisine – fast food completely different!

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  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 1369
Dutch cuisine – fast food completely different!

Hardly any national cuisine is free of influences from the neighbourhood or even from far away. Dutch cuisine also has strong overlaps with the cuisines of neighbouring regions.

Boza - an ancient, fermented soft drink

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  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 1518
Boza - an ancient, fermented soft drink

After our extensive and sweaty mountain hiking tour, Rino invited us for a refreshing drink in a mountain village during the descent.

The forerunners of the Roman pot and steam cooking

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  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 1731
The forerunners of the Roman pot and steam cooking

Our friend Silverio invited us to dinner over the weekend because he wanted to show us his city and especially his cooking skills. For years he has been dealing with local cooking customs, some of which can be traced back to the ancient Romans in their recipes, and even partly reflect their recipes and eating habits.

Original cornbread recipe from the Black Sea coast

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  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 1670
Original cornbread recipe from the Black Sea coast

In our article "Almost a national dish - Hamsi Kizartma" we reported on the fish dish of fried anchovies, which is particularly popular on the Black Sea and the Aegean coast and was served to us by the Senyer family during our stay in Istanbul.

Khachapuri bread from clay oven - specialty from Georgia

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  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 5668
Khachapuri bread from the clay oven - a specialty from Georgia

In the meantime, Philipp and Micha have reported again, but this time from a somewhat unusual place, at least as far as their other activities are concerned: a Georgian bakery on the flat lands.

Asparagus season - Baked with cheese coat, delicious

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  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 3843
Asparagus season - Baked with cheese coat, especially delicious

There are no other vegetables with so many anecdotes and myths about them as about asparagus, at least in Germany. Long before the asparagus was used as food, it found versatile use as a medicinal plant.

Corn pizza with leeks - a specialty at Campsite Rino

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  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 4343
Corn pizza with leeks or spinach - a specialty at Campsite Rino

In every country, and often even in the respective sub regions, there are special foods and dishes that not only make experiencing unforeseen taste sensations but also often new cooking ideas in general.

Speculum Advent - Christmas time is coming soon!

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  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 3846
Speculum in Advent - Christmas time is coming soon!

As a typical pastry of the pre-Christmas season in Germany, the speculum, which originally came from Belgium and the Netherlands, are a daily addition to coffee or tea. In Dutch language is referred to as speculaas, French as spéculoos.

Cream puffs at the Oker dam tasted delicious

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  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 3467
Cream puffs at the Oker dam

We had arranged to meet friends for a coffee in the Harz mountains. Since we hadn't seen each other for a while and therefore had to exchange and discuss a lot of information, we chose a restaurant at the Oker Talsperre as a meeting point, which is known far beyond the borders of the Harz Nature Park for its large and always fresh cream puffs.

Wunderwaffelmaschine at Festival in Augsburg

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  • Hits: 1821
Wunderwaffelmaschine at Grenzenlos Festival in Augsburg

After the successful musical conclusion of Sunday by the local band "Backdoor Connection", who had already travelled to Turkey several times for concerts, we set out on our last tour of the festival grounds for the day.

Almost a national dish - Hamsi Kizartma (fried anchovies)

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  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 1682
Almost a national dish - Hamsi Kizartma (fried anchovies)

At this point we would like to continue the description of our typical Black Sea menu in the Senyer family's house. During a visit from friends to Ayvalik, we first heard about and tasted the delicacy of fried anchovies, which can be eaten as desired with or without the inner main bone.

Mantı - Turkish pasta pockets with yogurt

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  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 1653
Mantı - Turkish pasta pockets with yogurt

Our visit to the new outdoor and ski centre at Erciyes was understandably primarily aimed at getting to know the options and offers for outdoor activities that have already been completed, but as always and everywhere, also the local cuisine.

Cocoa - a natural product from the tropical rainforest

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  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 1848
Cocoa - a natural product from the tropical rainforest

The cocoa plant needs the tropical, humid climate of the rain forest. This became clear to us once again when we looked a little more extensively at a small museum near Amsterdam on the subject of cocoa, the plant cocoa tree and the seeds, and the products made from them.

Gözleme - a Turkish meal for the small hunger

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  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 2801
Gözleme - a Turkish meal for the small hunger

Who does not know the small hunger in between, especially when you are on the go, have little time and actually just want to eat a little something.

OACCUs' Culinary Journey through Europe

  • Written by Portal Editor
  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 3072
OACCUs' Culinary Journey through Europe

The EU funded Project OAC Connects Us - OACCUs is delighted to announce the launch of its very own healthy cookbook "A Culinary Journey through Europe".


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