Culinary - Try the dishes of this world!


Here you will find top-class culinary delicacies from many regions that are exclusively for enjoyment (in the picture: warm apple strudel with beer ice cream, cherries and almonds).
As synonyms for culinary, we think of relishing, pleasure-loving, relishing, gourmet, indulgent, sensual, full of comfort and full of enjoyment; (elevated) lustful, sensual, sensual; simply delicious - enjoy it!

One taste of Greece - To the History of Kourambie Cookie

  • Written by Portal Editor
  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 6078
One taste of Greece - To the History of Kourambie Cookie

After crossing the Turkey / Greece border, we were once again caught in a heavy, but very short rain shower at Alexandroupolis, causing the water to evaporate rapidly under partial fogging on the still warm asphalt.

Turkish Wines Net Working - Bogazkere and Öküzgözü

  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 42056
Turkish Wines

Anatolia is the centre of Turkish wine production, which actually goes back about 5.000 years. There have been times when production of wine has been restricted by laws during the Osmanian periods. When the Republic of Turkey was established by Atatürk in 1923 all these restrictions were lifted.

Pule - exceptional cheese from Zasavica

  • Written by Portal Editor
  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 4678
Pule - exceptional cheese from Zasavica

What appears rather insignificant and trivial in the title picture, in reality, is an increasingly important source of income for the Zasavica Nature Park near Sremska Mitrovica and its animal world living in the park, especially the Balkans Donkey.

A Turkish Cooking Experience - grilled aubergine salad

  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 10125
A Turkish Cooking Experience

It all started when Monica, a librarian friend of mine from Houston, Texas, told me that she would be attending a librarian conference organized by a Turkish university.  We decided to spend some time together during her stay in Istanbul, and I promised to show her some historical but not touristic parts of my city.

Tea - more then a non-alcoholic national drink

  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 7803
Tea - the national drink

Just as in some regions in Europe, the procedure of drinking tea plays an important role in Turkish daily life. Whenever there is an opportunity to have a tea, they will take it. What is different to Europe is the way of doing it. In Turkey you will get the tea served in tiny little glasses with two pieces of sugar on a small tray.

Sea Food - Delicious and Fresh from the sea

  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 7393
Sea Food - always fresh!

The fish restaurants of the Turkish coast offer lots of unusual meze dishes -specialities based on recipes which were originally brought from Greece by returning Turkish people.

Variations of Meat - something unknown but tasty

  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 7670
Variations of Meat

If you have left yourself enough appetite after the starters, then the main meat course will follow. The traditional dish is Meatballs, which consists of a huge number of grilled burgers of different sizes, prepared with different spices and other additional ingredients, for example with cheese and with vegetable.

Seher´s Chocolate Dream Cookies

  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 8432
Chocolate Dream Cookies

There will be adventure in this weekend at the Manavgat-Adventure Park! The groups, who want to participate in trekking on Saturday and Sunday, are going to spend an amazing weekend in the Taurus Mountains. The ones who want to stay in the park, will jump from one thing to the other to the climbing section and probably consume quite a lot of energy.

Delicious trout in the Kelmend Valley - a culinary delight

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  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 7040
Delicious brook trout in the Kelmend Valley - a culinary delight

With Linda and Franc we had started from Shkodra in the direction of "Han i Hotit" to the north east of Lake Shkodra shortly before the border crossing to Montenegro, then followed the road to Kelmend, which is now newly asphalted and expanded until Tamara.

Ginger-Curry-Carotte-Soup - Lauras recipe at infection

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  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 3840
Ginger-Curry-Carotte-Soup - Lauras recipe at infection

The discoloration of the leaves on the trees and other typical signs of approaching autumn slowly appear - unfortunately this often is accompanied by the first colds together with infection.

Type of Doughnuts during Carnival in Kitzingen

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  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 4962
Type of Doughnuts during Carnival in Kitzingen

Various dates and private visits were the reason for one more stay in Kitzingen, which once more should lead to an experience with regional culture, in this case with a kind of sweet pastries made of yeast dough, the designated kind of donuts and offered in a special variety at carnival time.

Chestnuts - harvesting and tasting - an evening in Rapsani

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  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 5637
Chestnuts - harvesting and tasting - an evening in Rapsani

After our meeting with Nikos at the local petrol station of Rapsani we were going up towards the center, where the female "Harvesting Team" from the United States was already waiting for us in the chestnut plantation.

Grappa distillation in Platamonas

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  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 12989
Grappa distillation in Platamonas

After visiting the castle, we had an appointment with Nikos on his farm area right next to the ecological vineyards, where some members of the group for later grappa distillation had already gathered.

Delicious Cheese and Dill Muffins

  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 11055
Delicious Cheese and Dill Muffins

The original of the recipe belongs to Yeşim, she brought the muffins that she made by the mixture of different recipes and they were delicious. I want to thank her for sharing this practical recipe with us. (It seems like my muffins are more delicious :))

Glimpses into the History of Turkish Confectionery

  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 8489
Glimpses into the  History of Turkish Confectionery

Turkey has been famous for its confectionery for centuries, Turkish delight being the most eminent example. This is a fascinating subject, not just because of the flavours to be enjoyed, but because in the past, and to some extent today, sweets played a symbolic role in every part of private and public life.

Delicious Bread, Pastry, Coffee and Cakes

  • Category: Culinary
  • Hits: 7645
Delicious Bread, Pastry, Coffee and Cakes

In Turkey, a bit of the crispy sections of white bread is tasted whilst it's hot, crispy and steamy "just out of the oven" fragrance is in the air, before it is even put on the table at home. In Germany, we were always warned not to eat hot bread for otherwise we could get a "tummy ache!"


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