Artistic communication between performers and audience

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Theatre is the name for a scenic representation of an internal and external event as artistic communication between actors and the audience. The word theatre can also mean the building in which theatre is performed, or the process of performing theatre, or generally a group of people who make theatre, i.e. a theatre group.
The large theatres have sufficiently large side stages on which the sets and props for the various scenes of the ongoing play can be “hidden”. Nowadays, the backstage is seen in modern productions as a welcome opportunity to achieve great depth in the playing area. The upper stage, the Schnürboden (“stage sky”), is at least as high as the visible stage itself simply because of the Iron Curtain. Hanging up there are the curtains, stage sets, etc. that are needed when the stage is converted from one scene to the next. can be lowered using cable pulls. Near the stage you will find the artists' wardrobes as well as hand magazines for the daily needs of props and decorations.
In opera houses and multi-part theatres, the orchestra sits in the orchestra pit between the first row of seats and the stage ramp, which is usually lowered in musicals, operas and operettas. Large houses have revolving stages and also parts of the stage floor that can be lowered hydraulically. Because the auditorium is dark during the game, but the stage is illuminated with spotlights from the direction of the audience, the actors on stage are “blinded”. You don't see the audience. They play against the “fourth wall” created by the brightness of the en-face lighting.

Traditional Galanty Show - Karagöz and Hacivat

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  • Category: Theatre
  • Hits: 10614
Traditional Galanty Show - Karagöz and Hacivat

- Traditional drama (Light comedy)
Our shadow play KARAGÖZ HACIVAT, being a cornerstone of our traditional culture’s galanty show and fairytale teller and mimic, were created centuries ago.

The theater group "Sultanas" in Izmir

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  • Category: Theatre
  • Hits: 1089
The theater group

In 2006, the theatre group "Die Sultaninen" was founded in Berlin, made up of actors of different nationalities and all over 60 years of age, who were able to stage and perform their first play "The Turkish Wedding" with great success.

The sultanas present their new play "Alte Lieder" in Regensburg

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  • Category: Theatre
  • Hits: 732
The sultanas present their new play

They have been a fixture in Neukölln for years and this is exactly where they fit in: Die Sultaninen, the theater group around Hülya Karci. They have their roots in Germany, Turkey, Iran, Poland and Lithuania.

Serhat Dogan - His view of German habits

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  • Category: Theatre
  • Hits: 1283
Serhat Dogan - His view of German habits

Some Germans tend to have strange habits, says comedian Serhat Dogan: They arrange their furniture according to energy flows, listen to music with strange lyrics and explain the general traffic regulations to their dogs.

Susanne Reng does not shy away from discussion!

  • Written by Portal Editor
  • Category: Theatre
  • Hits: 1166
Susanne Reng does not shy away from discussion!

A few days after the Fazil Say "Gezi-Concert" at the Volkstheater in Vienna, we arrived at the Grenzenlos Festival in Augsburg, where a message from Ms. Susanne Baertele from the Volkstheater awaited us.

The Marionette Theatre - Kaburcuk & Lubet in Anatolia

  • Category: Theatre
  • Hits: 5916
The Marionette Theatre

The Marionette Theatre, which is known as Korcak, Kudurcuk, Kaburcuk and Lubet in Anatolia, is the oldest form of theatre in the world. Some other expressions like Korkolcak and Cadirhayal (time for fantasy) describe better exactly what it means.

Pink Floyd dances Istanbul - Teatro alla Scala Ballet

  • Category: Theatre
  • Hits: 4882
Pink Floyd dances to Istanbul with Teatro

“Pink Floyd Ballet”, the show by Italian Teatro alla Scala Ballet Company, which had its world premiere in 1972 with magnificent live performances by Pink Floyd – the legendary rock band- will be on stage with it’s last and longer version at the Istanbul Congress Center between November 25th and 28th, courtesy of “Show How” organization.


Life | Outdoors
