Spring at the local museum "Horse Stable" in Eckartsberga
- Written by Portal Editor

Almost directly at the beginning of Eckartsberga a small local museum called "Pferdestall" with its wonderfully prepared exhibits of old agricultural machinery can be found.
The matching, old half-timbered building probably had been lovingly restored some time ago by the Heimatverein e.V.
Like almost everything at the time of the pandemic corona, the local history museum was of course closed, the wonderful evening sun with the blue sky, the wonderfully coloured agricultural machinery of the past and the blooming fruit trees in the background, all together, lured us to linger.
The car was parked and the camera "made it clear" in just couple of minutes.
These very special devices had to be captured in the picture, as well as the wonderful fruit tree blossom, what could be even nicer on the picture.
Our research had shown that a parking space on the former site of a doctor Berghoff´s villa was created with a beautiful garden.
The horse stable was right next door. At that time it was still common to make house visits to the surrounding villages by horse and cart.
In the former, really lovely restored horse stable there are now objects from everyday life of the great-grandparents of the doctor, a craft room, kitchen, living room and a bedroom, which we unfortunately could not see.
On the lawn by the house you can marvel at the carefully maintained agricultural implements open air.
Various ploughs, hay rakes and even an old threshing machine are reminiscent of the large-scale agricultural technology of yesteryear.
Behind the fence, the apple trees showed beautiful flowers. On the meadow behind the horse stable on the neighbouring property, a small flock of sheep, rural idyll what more do you want.
The sign for the Royal Way - Via regia was even attached to the wall of the house. This historic trade route once ran from Frankfurt via Eckartsberga to Leipzig to Poland. We will be turning back!
Please read as well:
Eckartsberga - a Dutch Windmill as contemporary witness
On the way to Eckartsburg - summer tobogga at Eckartsberga