Out and about in the Bad Kissingen offroad course
- Written by Portal Editor

The event ABENTEUER & ALLRAD in Bad Kissingen is an annual off-road trade fair, where vehicles and equipment of this type are presented and presented by leisure designers.
According to the organizer, with over 200 exhibitors and over 50,000 visitors, it is Europe's largest trade fair on this topic, because in addition to various vehicles, outdoor and camping accessories are also on display.
The exhibits range from 4x4 series vehicles to quads, ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles), motorized two-wheelers and pickups to expedition vehicles, desert vehicles, mobile homes and trucks.
Travel and rally organizers present the latest tours, off-road vehicle clubs and specialists in outdoor equipment are represented, as are manufacturers of tent structures, spare parts and accessories.
At the same time, the ABENTEUER & ALLRAD is an active trade fair, as can already be seen in the attached pictures.
In the on-site, special off-road course, visitors have the opportunity to get behind the wheel of an off-road racing car and test it under extreme conditions.
If you don't dare to get behind the wheel yourself, you can let yourself be chauffeured through the area by a "professional" and let the interested spectators and the area work on you.
During the days of the fair, part of the Saalewiesen in Bad Kissingen will be transformed into the so-called CAMP AREA, where the off-road vehicles are often placed side by side.
Off-road fans who do not want to rent one of the numerous hotels or private rooms in Bad Kissingen (host list) have a home here during the fair.
Often the description of the camp area, which is comparable with the terrain course, applies, especially if it has rained extensively days before. A mud desert, but one that is particularly attractive.
Sanitary facilities such as toilet vehicles, mobile toilets and showers are available in the camp area, but electricity is not available.
The CAMP AREA is mostly located on meadow areas, so that, as already mentioned, heavy rain can lead to the formation of corresponding sludge.
A pleasure not for everyone, because the course and camp area can be tough.
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