Türkiye – broad history and mass tourism today

turkiye istanbul 01

Since the founding of the republic in 1923 as the successor state to the Ottoman Empire, Turkey has been secular and Kemalist in orientation. The country's founder, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, initiated a modernization of Turkey through social and legal reforms modelled on various European nation states.

The current President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has been at the helm of the country since 2003. Since around 2012, he has led the country in an increasingly authoritarian manner. Freedom of expression and freedom of the press in particular are considered to be severely restricted. The currency and debt crisis triggered by its economic policies as well as high inflation have continued since 2018, which makes Turkey quite attractive from a tourist perspective.

The culture of today's Turkey is a fusion of the ancient Turkish nomadic culture of Central Asia and Siberia, the Greco-Roman era, the culture in the Ottoman Empire with its Byzantine, Persian, Arabic, Caucasian, Armenian and Kurdish influences, as well as the strong European direction since the founding of the Republic Ataturk. The cultural centre of the country is the metropolis of Istanbul.

With the political changes, the content of Turkish literature also changed. Early representatives include Fakir Baykurt, Sabahattin Ali, Sait Faik Abasıyanık and Yaşar Kemal, who put ordinary people at the centre of their work. With the turn to describing living conditions, social and political criticism of the state is inevitable. The state reacts with censorship and political violence. Authors like Nâzım Hikmet, Yaşar Kemal and Aziz Nesin spend many years in Turkish prisons because of the persecution of their publications. Kemal therefore referred to the prison as a “school of Turkish literature”.

Turkish cuisine has also influenced Greek and the rest of the Balkan cuisine - including etymology. For example, tzaziki comes from the Turkish cacık, and Ćevapčići comes from kabapcik. Yogurt also comes from Turkish Yoğurt. Doner kebab is made from beef, veal or poultry. In Turkey, but also in other countries, the kebab is also served on a plate.

The Manavgat River - in ancient times called Melas

The Manavgat River - in ancient times called Melas

The Manavgat River, which originated in Taurus and was called Melas in antiquity, also formed the eastern boundary of ancient Pamphylia. Today it flows through the large Oymapınar Reservoir, one more smaller reservoir before it reaches Manavgat and flows into the sea a little later.

Side - Unique Beauty in the Museum and Open Air

Side - Unique Beauty in the Museum and Open Air

The road that turns towards South at kilometre 72nd of the main road from Antalya to Alanya direction, will take you to Side after about 6 km. Side is one of the most famous holiday resorts nowadays. It is supposed that Side had been founded by the Kymellians in the 7th Century B.C., settled on a small peninsula that extends into the Mediterranean. 

Theatre of Side - from Hellenistic to Roman design

Theatre of Side - from Hellenistic to Roman design

The former classsical Greek Theatre of Side was changed and more seats (cavea) were added during Roman period in shape of a bend, a bit bigger than a semicircle, around the circular floor (orchestra) and the stage, where the play was performed.

Side’s ruins - Roman period with theatre building

Side’s ruins - Roman period with theatre building

Side’s ruins outside Selimiye are best reached by using the parking area by the Roman theatre, which is the minimum you should visit. The theatre was erected in the 2nd century BC on top of a former Greek theatre. 

Laurel bushes line the path at Oymapinar Dam

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  • Category: Turkish Riviera
  • Hits: 2529
Laurel bushes line the path at Oymapinar Dam

Once again it was time for a hike. Our dear friend and hiking guide Ömer had invited us to another excursion through the coastal Taurus Mountains near Manavgat high above the Oymarpinar dam.

Parasites discovered in the Roman sewage system

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  • Category: Turkish Riviera
  • Hits: 2777
Parasites discovered in the Roman sewage system

In the ancient city of Sagalassos, which dates back to 25 BC when getting under Roman rule, archaeologists working there examined a bathing complex and a latrine integrated into it,

Sagalassos on the Akdag near Burdur

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Sagalassos on the Akdag near Burdur

Leaving Antalya towards Burdur and Isparta on the 650/350 road, you will reach the fork for Korkutelli or Termessos after about 11 kilometers.

Antalya - Trolley from Nuremberg as Attraction

Antalya - Trolley from Nürnberg

Besides the historical structures with Hadrian city gate and the city walls, there are three traditional old trolley´s at work in Antalya. These trains belonged to the former Nuremberg trolley. A line of about 5 kilometers parallel to the coastline was allocated for the traditional Antalya trolleys in 1999.

Water supply of Ancient Metropolis Side

Water supply of Ancient Metropolis Side

On a beautiful summer evening I set off in order to examine the Roman aqueduct that extends from Oymapınar Dam Lake of Dumanlı Spring, which is a technical masterpiece of ancient age and which has supplied water for public and private water facilities, nymphe pools, fountains, spas and houses, to the walls of Side.

Manavgat Waterfall - in spring time with plenty of water

Manavgat Waterfall

The various watercourses, which finally form the Manavgat River from the Taurus foothills and the two reservoirs, are fed by many further inlets and underground springs, forming an imposing waterfall before the river flows into the Mediterranean at Side.

Taurus Excursion - visit of the Altinbesik Cave

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Taurus Excursion - visit of the Altinbesik Cave

The short holiday visit of Brita and Peter with family appendix in Alanya brought, beside delicious Nuremberg bratwurst and various types of cheese as a souvenir, the idea of a short excursion into the Taurus Mountain, which should be started with a hearty breakfast at Ömer at the lower part of the artificial lake at the Manavgat river, the Manavgat Baraji.

Turkey - Bird Watching at Göksu River

Turkey - Bird Watching at Göksu River

Turkey is one of the richest countries in wetlands among the countries in Europe and the Middle East. These wetlands have great importance especially for wildlife as well as for local economy.

St. Nicholas in the church of Myra

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  • Category: Turkish Riviera
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St. Nicholas in the church of Myra

Myra, located in the south-west of Turkey, in the magical landscape of Lycia, was the city where St. Nicholas had worked as a bishop in the fourth century.

Saint Nicholas of Myra - a Christian Character in Demre

Saint Nicholas of Myra

Each year between 4th and 6th December, the village of Demre (whose historic name is Myra), well known usually for the quality and the taste of their delicious tomatoes and oranges, faces an invasion of scientists and amateur historians. Then a very special event takes place: The world-famous Santa Claus Symposium.

Historical Wealth of Gazipaşa & surrounding places

Historical Wealth of Gazipaşa

Gazipaşa hosts a very rich archeological heritage with the ruins of a number of antique cities, castles, monumental tombs and numerous historic structures. The remnants of the old ports near the shore and castles on the heights of Toros Mountains are the signs of old human settlements in this area.

Gazipaşa - still rural coined Green Area

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  • Category: Turkish Riviera
  • Hits: 4489
Gazipaşa - still rural coined Green Area

An excursion tour together with our co-author Detlef Heinzel, who has lived in Gazipasa for several years, had led us again to Gazipasa, the still green and rural small town with a predominantly rural bustle, please follow his short report:

The ancient City of Selinus in Gazipasa

The antique town of Selinus in Gazipasa

The ancient City of Selinus is about 45 km away from  Alanya and 2 km from the city center of Gazipaşa (follow the signposts). The road follows the river Musa Çay, once called Selinus too.


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