Red deer topless! - German Wildlife Foundation
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- Category: Fauna
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German Wildlife Foundation: In February, the top dog also loses its antlers
Fauna or animal world refers to the totality of all animals in an area or, in the narrower sense, all animal species in this area. The associated science is biogeography.
If the entire planet Earth is considered, the fauna includes all animal species, for example in palaeontology, where one speaks of a “fauna of the Cretaceous period”. The name is derived from the name of the Roman goddess of nature, Fauna. The equivalent of fauna in the plant kingdom is flora.
German Wildlife Foundation: In February, the top dog also loses its antlers
As initially almost uninvolved, we have just recently had a heated discussion in a small discussion group about the sense or nonsense of reintroducing wolves into native German forests.
Especially in recent times there have been more articles and reports in the media on the intelligence of squids, which biologically are considered a subgroup of the so-called cephalopods (Cephalopoda).
The Animal Protection Association "Incekum ve Avsallar Hayvan Dostlari Dernegi" was founded in 2009 by German and Turkish citizens in Avsallar. The association wants to neutering the population of the streets to contain animals and thus secure their lives and survival. Emergencies are handled within the capacity of veterinary.
They have long since disappeared from northern Europe, the long-distance swifts from the lesser spotted eagle family, because they spend the winter in southern Africa.
Due to their size and their loud buzzing sound when flying, bumblebees are well-known representatives of insects, which today play an increasingly important role in human cultural history.
On Thursday morning the time had come. We had arranged to meet the Przybylla couple on the country road between Marktbreit and Michelfeld for 8:00 a.m., right on the first section of the toad fence on the premises of the small animal breeding club.
After an interesting meeting with a major tour operator in Geiselwind and a tour of a mobile home from a local manufacturer, we were on our way back to our office in Kitzingen when we saw a few meters of the low toad fence on Landstraße 2260 right next to the road.
It's been forty years since we last saw a blacksmith at work. We can no longer say with certainty where exactly that took place in Germany.
In our article on the Kangal, we already reported in detail about this large Turkish shepherd dog, which is enjoying increasing popularity. There are other types of shepherd dogs, which are sometimes difficult to distinguish from the Kangal.
Long before domesticated horses were introduced to Mesopotamia around 4,000 years ago, the people living there were breeding hoofed animals that they harnessed to war chariots and plows and used for diplomatic and ceremonial purposes: so-called kungas.
When we looked out of the window of our apartment in Izmir this morning, I could hardly believe my eyes: everything was white and there was a heavy drift of snow.
Color-conscious people can easily color or recolor their textiles in line with fashionable trends or personal taste. Today there are countless colors, mostly chemically produced, sometimes with more or less natural ingredients, which make life easier.
For centuries, Lake Tuz in Turkey has attracted large colonies of flamingos. The birds breed in warm weather and feed mainly on algae in the shallow bank regions.
Wonderful days with lots of sunshine once more lured us out into the forest, which must have felt a lizard in a similar way. The lizard needs solar energy to get its body temperature going, because like all reptiles they are cold-blooded.
A Sunday hike along the Borbach near Witten had led us to the Hohenstein-Berger monument, where we took a short break with bread and tea that we had brought with us.
For a long time now as much snow is quite rare nowadays, the thick layer of snow also messed up the lives of many animals, including "our" blackbird, which almost belongs to the farm, which now delights us again with a lot of singing, hardly that the snow was getting less.
Gray sky with numerous showers, not exactly tempting weather for a walk through the forest. Alternatively, spending the afternoon before Christmas Eve in front of the TV wasn't really an alternative either.
On the way for a walk along the Unstrut river from Roßleben to Memleben, we came across gnaw marks on the bank that only beavers can create - gnaw marks on the willows and alders and corresponding shaving-like wooden pieces on the bottom.
Who does not know them, the medium-sized songbirds with their powerful feet, whose plumage can be so shiny that it reflects the sun and usually ranges from typically black or dark colours to multicoloured.