Life is the state that all living things have in common

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Life is the state that all living things have in common and that distinguishes them from dead matter.

Nobody knows 100% how life once arose on Earth. If a genetic program, its functionality and its development are assumed to be essential for living beings, then the beginning of life is the point in time at which molecules as carriers of the program and other auxiliary molecules for the realization, reproduction and adaptation of this program come together for the first time in such a way that a system bearing the characteristic properties of life emerges.

Kumquat - small orange - big taste

  • Category: Flora
  • Hits: 13089
Cumquat - small orange - big taste

The kumquats or cumquats are a family of small fruit-bearing trees in the flowering plant family Rutaceae, in the genus Fortunella which is often included in the genus Citrus.

Juniper - bushes and fruits along the way

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  • Category: Flora
  • Hits: 6558
Juniper - bushes and fruits along the way

The surroundings of the Campsite Rino in Struga also offers a real lure and challenge for hikes in the area, in addition, the autumnal leaves of the trees lured in unimaginable splendor of color, plus the still lovely sun.

Sunflowers - raw material for many different foods

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  • Category: Flora
  • Hits: 6113
Sunflowers - raw material for many different foods

Right now again very much in the news an essential feature of sunflowers, cause they are used massively in advertising for a car brand: heliotropism. But what does it really mean?

Kyllenian Adonis, found the first time after 150 years

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  • Category: Flora
  • Hits: 5918
Kyllenian Adonis, found the first time after 150 years

The really rare Kyllenian Adonis is growing in the northern part of the Peloponnesus in Greece, mainly on the mountain ranges Killini, Oligyrtos, Trachy and Saitas.

Almond trees - first flowers show up in the sunshine

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  • Category: Flora
  • Hits: 5601
Almond trees - first flowers show up in the sunshine

The first intensified solar rays in Thessalonica not only lure people back out of the houses and onto the promenades next to the White Tower of Thessalonica, but nature also shows first reactions: almond trees push their buds out and show their first blossoms.

Wild alpine violet - this plant has lot of secrets

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  • Category: Flora
  • Hits: 7805
Wild alpine violet - this plant has lot of secrets

Our hikes and explorations through the nature within the scope of our project work, of course, always let us meet with known plants, so at least we thought at first, but then it turned out to be just little known, when we did some more detailed research.

Aloe Vera - Alexander the Great used it for healing

  • Category: Flora
  • Hits: 9180
Aloe vera

Aloe vera, also known as the medicinal aloe, is a species of succulent plant that probably originated in Northern Africa, the Canary islands and Cape Verde. Aloe vera grows in arid climates and is widely distributed in Africa, India and other arid areas.

Hippophae Rhamnoides, Buckthorn, Wild Eleagnus

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  • Hits: 5448
Hippophae Rhamnoides, Buckthorn, Wild Eleagnus, Sea Buckthorn

It is from the species of hippophae, a bush or tree type which is forked, thorny and sheds leaves in winter. It is generally between half a meter and 6 meters, rarely it may reach 10 m. high. Its leaves are lanceolate, 3-7 cm’s long, narrow, alternate, gnarled, its upper part is grey - silver colored.

Strawberry tree - flower and fruit at the same time

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  • Category: Flora
  • Hits: 11666
Strawberry tree - flower and fruit at the same time

Our trip to the island of Shurdhah in the dam project of Vau i Dejes also brought us a new experience with a fruit and flowering plant which we had already noticed in Platamonas in Greece.

Plant sculptures at EXPO 2016 Antalya

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  • Category: Flora
  • Hits: 5281
Plant sculptures at EXPO 2016 Antalya

The EXPO 2016 Antalya offers a truly special occasion - experience lively sculptures made from plants in growing and processing.

Bear’s Garlic and Wood Garlic Soup

  • Category: Flora
  • Hits: 8366
Bear’s Garlic and Wood Garlic Soup

We were going to gather the plant of “Allium ursinum”, which is called as Bear’s Garlic, Wild Garlic, Wood Garlic and Ramsons in folk speech. It belongs to the Allioideae family, which is the subfamily of the Amaryllidaceae. Amaryllis family is one of the plant species that heralds the coming of spring. We lost our hearts to the nature once, in any circumstances, we keep an eye on the nature.

Historical Perspective on Turkey's Fruit Heritage

  • Category: Flora
  • Hits: 12484
Historical Perspective on Turkey's Fruit Heritage

Central Asia, original homeland of the Turkish people, has a very long history of fruit cultivation. According to Chinese records the Eastern Gokturks of Turkistan were exporting fruit to China 1300 years ago, notably the Mare's Nipple grape, which was transported fresh from the Turfan oasis across the fringes of the Gobi Desert, a distance of more than 2000 kilometers.

Exotic and Tropical Fruit Growing

  • Category: Flora
  • Hits: 6623
Exotic and Tropical Fruit Growing

Coffee Tree, Pawpaw, Passiflora, Goji Berry, Cumquat, Star Fruit, Feijoa, Physalis, Meyer Lemon, Gilabolu, Redcurrant, Strawberry Tree, Rowan-Berry, Cherry Laurel, Isabella Grape...

Hedgehog offspring are in the nests - be careful when gardening

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  • Category: Fauna
  • Hits: 321
Hedgehog offspring are in the nests - be careful when gardening

The first hedgehog offspring are here! Around seven centimeters long, with around 100 soft spines hidden under the skin, blind, but already with five tiny claws on each paw - this means that there are usually four to five hedgehogs in the protected nest.

Brimstone butterflies usher in spring

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  • Category: Fauna
  • Hits: 687
Brimstone butterflies usher in spring

When the days get warmer and the sun shines, the first butterfly of the year appears: the bright yellow brimstone butterfly (Genopteryx rhamnis) can be seen in parks and gardens with its typical flight - sometimes it rises up, then it drops down.

Field hare school: The big Easter bunny lexicon

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  • Category: Fauna
  • Hits: 370
Field hare school: The big Easter bunny lexicon

It's that time again, Easter is fast approaching and every child knows the Easter bunny - but very few people know about the "original", the European brown hare.

Courtship season of black woodpecker begins in mid-February

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  • Category: Fauna
  • Hits: 508
Courtship season of black woodpecker begins in mid-February

While the marching bands march through the carnival strongholds on Rose Monday to the sound of drums, a completely different performance takes place in the forests; Here attentive walkers can hear the drum roll of the black woodpecker.


Life | Outdoors
