
Greece, Hellenism and the Roman Empire

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Classical antiquity differs from previous and subsequent epochs through common and consistent cultural traditions, the influence of which continues to be influential in many subject areas right up to modern times. It covers the history of ancient Greece, Hellenism and the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire politically unified the Mediterranean from the 1st century AD. Rome's cultural influence was primarily felt in the western part of the empire, while in the east the Greek-Hellenistic tradition (Byzantium) continued alongside oriental traditions until it was pushed back in the course of Islamic expansion (from 632 AD).

In a broader sense, antiquity also includes the history of the ancient Near Eastern civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia (Sumer, Akkad, Babylonia, Assyria), the Iranian region (Elam, Media, Persia) and Asia Minor (Phoenicia, Israel, Aram-Damascus). around the beginning of writing around 3500 BC. BC began. This larger period of about 3500 B.C. BC to the end of antiquity is preferably referred to as antiquity to distinguish it from the narrower concept of antiquity limited to the Greco-Roman world, or it is used in relation to the Middle East until its incorporation into the Macedonian-Greek sphere of influence under Alexander the Great ( around 330 BC) spoken by the Ancient Near East.

Carnuntum's gladiator school - next to Vienna

  • Written by Portal Editor
  • Category: Antiquity
  • Hits: 2421
Carnuntum's gladiator school

After we had thoroughly inspected the amphitheatre during our tour, we noticed a wooden structure in the immediate vicinity that had also sparked our interest: the so-called gladiator school.

Petronell amphitheatre of Carnuntum next to Vienna

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  • Category: Antiquity
  • Hits: 2351
Petronell amphitheatre of Carnuntum next to Vienna

Next to the Roman military camp of Carnuntum, which was located directly on the banks of the Danube on the Pannonian Limes, the civilian city of Carnuntum developed in quick steps in addition to the military camp until it became the administrative centre of the Roman province of Pannonia at the beginning of the 2nd century AD.

Aristophanes - carry owls to Athens

  • Written by Portal Editor
  • Category: Antiquity
  • Hits: 6828
Aristophanes - carry owls to Athens

In many countries of our world the owl is considered as a bird of wisdom and it was same in ancient Athens already, where the little owl was considered a symbol of wisdom too.

Roman construction - insights into technology

  • Written by Portal Editor
  • Category: Antiquity
  • Hits: 16075
Roman construction technology - insights into technology

The technical and organizational concerns in the Roman building technique during the Roman Empire are also based on Hellenistic values. In his work De architectura libri decem (22 BC) the Roman officer Vitruvius describes the techniques and mathematical foundations adopted from the Greeks.

Province of Noricum - trade routes determined the success

  • Written by Portal Editor
  • Category: Antiquity
  • Hits: 5576
Province of Noricum - trade routes determined the success

From the Celtic kingdom, under the leadership of the Noric tribe, a Roman province of the same name had emerged, which was assigned to the Roman Empire with its capital Virunum (now Zollfeld near Maria Saal).

Noricum - a Celtic kingdom in today's Austria

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  • Category: Antiquity
  • Hits: 11209
Noricum - a Celtic kingdom in today's Austria

Noricum was once a Celtic kingdom under the leadership of the Noric tribe on a large part of the territory of present-day Austria as well as adjacent regions of Bavaria (east of the Inn) and Slovenia, which later became a province of the Roman Empire under the designation Provincia Noricum.

Aulus Cornelius Celsus - Roman Doctor?

  • Category: Antiquity
  • Hits: 14869
Aulus Cornelius Celsus - Roman Doctor

Always people tried to work in the field of medical treatment to help others when injured or helpless. Some big steps could be done in Greek and Roman period because of development in research and for the first time experiences were written down.

Roman Thermal Baths and Baths in Antiquity

  • Category: Antiquity
  • Hits: 18319
Roman Thermal Bath - Ilyasbey, Miletos

Involvement of human beings with water goes back to earliest days of history. In the prehistoric ages, prior to the transition from nomadic existence to forming permanent settlements, water usage was partially a part of nature that could not be controlled.

Innsbruck Wilten - once Roman Settlement Veldidena

  • Written by Portal Editor
  • Category: Antiquity
  • Hits: 12037
Innsbruck Wilten - once Roman Settlement Veldidena

As a part of our project development "A journey of Intimacy and Culture along the Roman Roads" to create a concept for modern Camper routes to the south our route direction inevitably leads over the Alps.


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