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Every year there is a well known event near Selcuk / Izmir when the camel fighting championships take place. There is a two-day carnival in the town during which many male camels fight for trophies, money and the honour of being the best in the compe...
The cute Aegean town of Urla is located …
Ortakent is located at the crossing of a…
It was a quick decision during our stay …
The Agora in the Namazgah district of İ…
Who is not familiar with the historical …
Between Sankt Andreasberg and Sonneberg there are not only many hiking and cycli...
Wonderful early summer weather lures people outside, if possible into the green ...
Benjamin had been working in the camping equipment branch for some time, so we h...
09-04-2022 | Hits:3099
The scenically beautiful village of Dornburg is located in the middle of the Saa...
02-07-2018 | Hits:27502
If you want to enjoy the ultimate, almost oriental market experience in Vienna, ...
14-07-2019 | Hits:14421
It is only a few kilometers from the campsite at Murtensee to the Swiss town of ...
05-12-2020 | Hits:2140
And now they shine and turn again, the often-handcrafted wooden light roundabout...
05-06-2018 | Hits:11599
After a brief exploration of Argilos, a strong downpour had completely weakened ...
07-11-2016 | Hits:115154
About two hours we had already crossed the mountain valleys and canyons until we...
15-11-2023 | Hits:1526
Since its founding, Thessaloniki was located on the Via Egnatia, the main traffi...
15-11-2016 | Hits:63303
Kelmend, the northernmost part of the Albanian Alps, is mainly formed by two val...
29-12-2018 | Hits:339729
After our ascent to the Castle of Prague, which is called Hradčany (Hradschin o...
22-08-2017 | Hits:5633
In the first part of the pedestrian zone of Cheb, formerly called Eger, the typi...
09-08-2017 | Hits:115964
During the exploration of the Budavari Siklo cable railway at the castle mountai...
05-08-2021 | Hits:2668
Anyone who has read the “Tin Drum” by the recently deceased writer Günter G...